What is septum deviation and why does it occur?
One of the most common causes of nasal congestion is the curvature of the wall that divides the nose into two, namely the deviation of the septum.
The septum is made up of cartilage and bone. In most people, the septum is not exactly in the midline and curvatures that do not cause nasal obstruction can be seen on examination. Septum deviation may be structural or may occur after falls, bumps and blows from infancy.
What are the symptoms of septum deviation?
The most common symptom of septum deviation is nasal congestion. It can cause dry nose, nosebleeds, upper respiratory tract infections that do not respond to treatment and last for a long time, headache and facial pain, deterioration in voice quality, snoring and indirectly middle ear diseases in some patients.
How is the diagnosis of septum deviation made?
The diagnosis of septum deviation is made during a detailed camera examination of the inside of the nose by the otolaryngologist. At this time, the conchae (conchae) are also evaluated. There is no need for filming for septum and turbinate diseases. In patients with septum deviation and chronic sinusitis, sinus tomography can be performed, and if there is a preliminary diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, laboratory examinations can be performed.
In which cases is septum deviation treated with surgery?
The treatment of septum deviation, which causes complaints such as severe nasal congestion, is surgery. Even if the degree of septum deviation is mild, surgery is performed if patients complain. In the surgical treatment, the method called ‘SMR (Submucosal resection) or septoplasty’ is preferred.
Should septum deviation surgery be performed in winter?
Patients generally think that the operation can be performed in the winter months, but the operation can be performed at any time of the year.
Is septum deviation surgery performed under general anesthesia?
Is septum deviation surgery performed under general anesthesia?
Is a tampon placed after septum deviation surgery?
At the end of the surgery, classical tampons are not usually placed. In some patients, silicone plates are used rarely and when necessary. These plaques do not prevent breathing through the nose immediately after the surgery, and do not cause pain and bleeding as they do not stick when removed one day later. Patients who have septum deviation surgery are kept under observation in the hospital for one night under normal conditions.
What should be considered after septum deviation surgery?
After the operation, it is tried to be kept open by washing the nose with serum or sprays. Moisturizing drops can be used to reduce the crusts that may form in the nose.
After the septum deviation surgery, there is no swelling and bruising around the eyes, and bleeding is an extremely rare and treatable complication.
The patient is seen once a week for 3-4 weeks and the nose is cleaned. Patients can start their work immediately after discharge.
More detailed information will be given about the conditions to be considered before and after the surgery, possible complications and possible risks.